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WHat does my child do all day?

                Preschool Program

                    9:00am - 12:30pm


9:00 - 9:15            Morning Meeting

(community circle time to welcome the day and discuss daily goals)


9:15 - 10:45          Self Guided Work Period - Inside

(using Montessori materials and monthly themed works, teachers provide one-on-one or group lessons)


10:45 - 11:00         Circle Time

(teachers lead song, story time, yoga, or give group lessons in science or geography)


11:00 - 11:30        Lunch

(a break time to recharge and connect over a healthy meal)


11:30 - 12:30         Outside Time

(our playground is designed to inspire imagination, provide children ample exercise, and connect with nature through gardening and water play)


After Care 

12:30- 2:00         Rest Time

(We read books and listen to quiet music. Children may sleep or explore a quiet activity on a comfortable mat)

2:00- 3:00         â€‹Indoor or Outdoor Work Period

(Children finish their work for the day, explore art mediums or spend time outside)





                Elementary Program


                              8am - 3pm

8:00 - 8:30           Children Arrive/Free Choice


8:30 - 8:45            Morning Meeting

(community circle time to welcome the day and discuss daily goals)


8:45 - 10:30         Self Guided Work Period - Inside

(using Montessori materials teachers provide individually planned lessons and group instruction)


10:30 - 11:45         Outside Play/Group Sports

(outside freeplay followed by teacher led physical education)


11:45 - 12:30         Lunch 

(we thank the earth for providing our food and enjoy

time together over a meal)


12:30 - 1:15          Quiet Time/Reading Time

(children enjoy quiet and calming activities while teachers read aloud. Individual reading lessons are given)


1:15 - 2:00           Group Project/STEAM Activity

(Children collaborate and practice critical thinking in group activities)


2:00 - 3:00          Indoor or Outdoor Work Period

(Children finish their goals for the day, explore art mediums or spend time outside)


Tell Me More About Butterfly House


It is our duty to care for this earth that we call home! We use only eco-friendly and child-safe cleaning products. Within the classroom we teach love and respect for all creatures of the earth. 

Hands-on Materials

Montessori materials are made with beauty and purpose. These materials are designed to help children learn through touching, exploring and experimenting. Our students are learning through sensorial input long before they put pen to paper. 

Trained Teachers

Our teachers are trained in the Montessori pedagogy. We are proud to offer the community an authentic Montessori environment! A safe place for children to grow and learn through respect and within limits.

Rainboots Required

We play outside in all kinds of weather! Please dress your child in clothes that they can freely explore the mud puddles in. As they say in Norway "there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."

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